Sunday, January 12, 2014

Escapees Chapter 21 Rally Days 1-2

The RVs started rolling in just after noon on Friday, and got their RVs parked in our group area with lots of space among us. As the day grew longer, however, we learned that about half of our members were delayed by a major accident on Interstate-10. We started the “meet and greet” without them, knowing they would come as soon as they were able.

It was a little chilly in the shade, so most of us were wearing long sleeves and some were in jackets.




When it was time to put the food out for our finger food potluck, everyone put their dishes on one small table!


We spread it out and more food arrived, and pretty soon there was quite a feast.


More people arrived and told stories of getting delayed in the traffic jam.



Denise and Paul joined us from across the river.


Finally, it was time to end the party as the sun set and it was too chilly to sit outside.


We were a little worried about one couple who still hadn’t arrived, but we talked with them by phone later, and learned that they were delayed in Tucson getting service done on their RV. They arrived safely the next day.

Saturday morning is the day for a big flea market near our campground, so most of us wandered through the aisles looking for interesting “necessities.”




Don found a Navy cap he’s been looking for.


And we bought some large avocados so I can make guacamole for one of the happy hour gatherings.

Later, we gathered to caravan to the Nellie E. Saloon, aka the Desert Bar. The saloon is reached by driving about 5 miles on a dirt road.


At times it was a little dusty, and some spots were rough. But we soon saw the bar/restaurant in the distance.


This place has an interesting history that can be read at this link. The entire operation runs off solar power (stored in batteries and run through inverters, similar to RV solar systems). There’s a well that supplies water. It’s only open in the winter months, Saturday and Sunday, noon to dark. We arrived just after 12:00 noon.

The church in the parking lot is always a popular place for pictures.


I borrowed this picture of Jan and me that Bill took on the way in.

Jan and Sharon

To get to the saloon and restaurant, you walk across a bridge that was built in 1991.


Some new and/or expanded seating areas have been added since we were here last year, including some on the roofs.



It wasn’t hard to find a place for our group of 14 who came today, and we were able to be near the band that played later. What was hard was getting a picture when everyone was sitting at the table, so a few are missing from this pic.


First thing on the agenda was to get food and drinks! Don went downstairs to buy a tri-tip sandwich and fries while I went to the inside bar for drinks. A new kitchen was being built on the lower level last year and is now in operation. It didn’t take long for him to go through the line since he went early.


Past experience told us to share because the portions are so large. In fact, it was hard to eat the half sandwich because it was so stuffed with meat, so I used a fork for most of my half.


New this year to an expanded menu is garlic fries. Of course, Don had to buy an order.


We not only shared them between ourselves, but also with Paul and Denise who sat across from us.


Betty and Don had fun getting their sandwich cut in half.


I’m pretty sure nobody went hungry!


The band started about 1 pm and were very talented musicians.


Barb and Dan are very good dancers.


Dan kept beckoning to a couple of young women to get them up and dance. Finally, they did and had a great time.


But then Dan and Barb got tired and left the girls to dance on their own.


Don and I did a few turns around the dance floor too.


…As did several others.


It was a fun time, and we’ll look forward to our next visit to this unique place.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like your rally is off to a great start! That Desert Bar is quite the place - never been there!


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