Saturday, December 7, 2013

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

We’re enjoying a visit from Dennis & Carol Hill, who are staying on our neighbor’s RV lot in Cochise Terrace. Their new Winnebago Journey motorhome is beautiful! I’ll have to post pictures later, as I was so busy looking at it I forgot to use my camera.

Last night we got together with Charles & Chris Yust who just stayed one night in the Benson area on their way to Yuma. They stayed with Henry & Peggy Watkins, who own a place at J Six Ranch, just west of Benson. We all had dinner at Pablo’s Steakhouse last night. The ‘girls’ sat at one end of the table with the ‘boys’ at the other. Conversations seem to work better that way. It was a fun time, and the staff were patient with our lengthy stay because we enjoyed each others’ company for a long time after the food was gone!


Today we did a little shopping and had lunch at Wild Dogs, a fun gourmet hot dog restaurant we enjoy frequently.

Don and I took advantage of the clear, sunny (though chilly) day to finish decorating the outside of our RV lot. Here’s how it looks at night.


Even the Little Green Man got into the spirit!


And inside I put our miniature Christmas tree on the dash.


Then tonight, Don made his special Santa Maria style tri-tip roast with salad, baked potatoes and old fashioned green beans. We’re definitely eating well!

We know that Dennis is a fan of Duck Dynasty, as evidenced by this pic of his T-shirt.


So Don found a small doll for him today. It says several familiar phrases from the TV show if you squeeze its belly. Dennis loves it!


It sure is fun having Dennis & Carol here, and we have another half-day with them before they have to leave tomorrow. Goodnight, Friends!


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nothing Much Happening…

…In our lives right now. I haven’t blogged in about a month, and I know my readers are dropping off. But I don’t think it’s interesting to say “We went to Wal-Mart today” or “We had two doctor’s appointments.” The pace of life in Benson is rather slow, or it has been for us anyway. And it’s kind of nice to kick back for awhile. But it doesn’t make for very interesting blog posts.

We did have a brief visit by George and Valerie Mayleben, owners of RV Driving School, and Valerie wrote about it in her blog. Now we’re looking forward to a visit from Dennis & Carol, previous owners of the school.

In reviewing the pictures I’ve taken during the last month, I can report a few interesting points. First, Don gave me a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses for my birthday, as well as taking me out to dinner and a movie.


He also gave me a Dell Latitude 10 tablet, but it didn’t work out to be useful to me because it was not designed to work with a stylus. So, long story short, after a lengthy phone battle with Dell customer support, we returned it. There’s now a new laptop computer in my future, but the shipment has been delayed. That’s okay, because it’s a combined birthday/Christmas present (and probably a few other occasions). But my current laptop is dying, so I hope the new computer comes soon.

My niece Dixie Mercy, who lives in Cleburne, TX, found a bookmark I made for her mother Barbara Glasscock (my sister) when I was a child. It was tucked into a Bible, and she came across it recently and offered to send it to me. What a sweet reminder of my innocent youth! And of her mother, who we sadly lost to cancer when she was 54, over 25 years ago.


The back side.


I finished knitting another lap-sized afghan for Soldiers’ Angels and delivered it to the VA hospital in Tucson.


We attended the monthly luncheon for Escapees Chapter 21 at the San Pedro Golf Course restaurant and saw lots of friends.


Don is now acting President of the Chapter, as the former President Don Damkaer is dealing with a serious health issue and is currently in Washington state. We wish him the best, with a good outlook for returning to health soon.

On the way back from Tucson for one of our doctor visits along with a shopping excursion, we stopped at the Pima County Fairgrounds and dropped in on Nick and Terry Russell.


What luck that we found them at home, with enough time to drop everything and have a nice long chat! We’ve seen them several times at rallies, but we never seemed to be able to spend any quality time together. It’s good that we caught them when we did, because they were called to the Phoenix area to help a very ill friend not too long afterward.

It’s about time to decorate our place for Christmas, as many of our neighbors have already done. I’ll post again when that’s finished. In the meantime, what have you all been doing? We love hearing from you, so send us an email to keep in touch.