Monday, September 7, 2015

Adventures of a New Kind

Don’s been home for almost 4 weeks, and he’s getting stronger and returning to more of his ‘normal’ routines. Sometimes he’s a little too weak to do things for himself, but here are a couple of triumphs from this evening.

It’s finally getting cool enough in Tucson to tolerate being outside for at least a few minutes. So I got out the Baby Q and he grilled some yummy thick steaks for our dinner, along with salad and baby gold potatoes that I made.


Then he surprised me after dinner by asking if I wanted to go for a walk. Yes, of course! He made it all the way around the block of 6 RV sites (only 2 are occupied) with his 4-wheeler. He’s wearing the new Navy Master Chief Retired cap I gave him for a small birthday gift, but he hadn’t put it on before today.


Meanwhile, my cooking has improved a little. I’ve made a few meals that Don said were really good, although his appetite and capacity are both a lot smaller than before. As you can probably tell, he lost a lot of weight – about 60 lbs – but he doesn’t recommend the diet that caused this! I’ve also lost about 1/3 of that (20 lbs) just by getting more exercise (mostly walking) and cutting back on portions. We both want to lose more, but we want to balance that with being healthy.

I haven’t been taking a lot of pictures lately, but here’s one I took with my phone last week.


Carrie is still going strong with six digits of driven miles. Plus, she has been towed for about the same number of miles during the past 8+ years, pushing our 3 different motorhomes.

And here’s another evening’s sunset from last week.
