Yesterday we moved the short distance (1/2 mile?) from the Alaska group to the RV Driving School group. Happy Hour didn’t go as planned because rain clouds moved in and drenched us. It varied from a slow drizzle to a downpour through the night. Some of us did some ‘awning hopping,’ moving from rig to rig to meet and visit each other and share snacks and beverages. The skies remained overcast all day and the storm intensified overnight. Oh well, the desert smells amazing when it rains, and it will be a spectacular spring with wild flowers and cacti blooming.
This morning (Saturday) began with an instructors’ meeting in George & Valerie’s motorhome (owners of the school). It was nice to meet and get to know some of the other instructors, and to be recognized as the only woman member of the group. We shared ideas, questions and solutions, as George imparted plans that he and Valerie have for the future.
Don and I ate a quick snack then went to see our friends Larry & Carol Jennings at their ‘Shoe Box’ RV in the LTVA (Long Term Visitor Area). Sorry, no pictures, but here’s a link to the blog Carol writes. It’s amazing how the two of them can travel for extended periods of several months and be perfectly comfortable in such a small space. I tend to get a little claustrophobic, but I admire how well they get along and are happy to be very mobile in their small but well-appointed rig. I stole this picture of their Shoe Box (Big Foot slide-in camper and truck) from her blog.
After drizzling rain for most of the day, the clouds started to clear a bit in time for our pot luck dinner around 4 pm.
In true RVers’ fashion, there were lots of yummy dishes to be shared. Marilyn was just putting her yummy deviled eggs on the table.
There was even a birthday cake for Carol Hill’s upcoming birthday.
Did Carol start with birthday cake or was it the wine? Life’s short; eat what you want first!
George tried not to look as he drew names for door prizes awarded by Valerie.
Carol’s name was drawn for a bottle of wine as a door prize! What a lucky gal!
Pat’s name was drawn for another bottle. Hey Girls, let’s find a corkscrew and start working on those!
Larry finally got an RV Driving School cap!
Dennis was awarded an RV Driving School shirt in his favorite color.
Mary & Gary’s granddaughter Sarah once again stole the show.
Dennis got into the act, showing some fancy moves while Sarah, Grandma Mary and Tom looked impressed.
Ta Da! Grandpa Gary is getting some good pics.
Father Mulcahy (aka Steve) made an appearance.
Buns were warmed next to the blazing fire.
Carol has much nicer buns than either of these guys.
It’s nice to see Dennis without an ear bandage and only a little swelling, and most of the ugly stuff is down inside his ear.
Lorrin probably got a good shot from his vantage point.
The sunset was nice, although not as spectacular as some.