Monday, November 14, 2011

Check Engine! Warning Fixed and Belated Birthday Dinner

We got the coach into the Shreveport Freightliner service center this morning around 9:30 and waited for them to fit us in. They discovered the sensor on the water separator wasn’t plugged in all the way, thus causing the Check Engine! warning status. We can only guess that it vibrated loose somehow. We’re not sure just when it happened, but it was before we reached Red Bay when we remember seeing the warning intermittently.

We’re happy that it wasn’t anything more serious, but when the bill for almost $400 arrived, we gasped. They charged us for 2 hours’ labor, but we knew the coach was still in the parking lot at 11:00 am when Don returned for something he’d forgotten. They finished before 12:25 pm when we returned from lunch. So they reduced the bill to one hour labor, so it was just over $200. Said they are a flat price shop, so they charge what the book says they should charge, not for the actual time spent. It was good of them to reduce the charge. Still, it’s an expensive service for something we should have been able to do ourselves. Oh, well, live and learn.

We decided to stay another night in the Shreveport area, at Tall Pines RV Park in Greenwood. It’s a really nice park that used to be a KOA. The couple that manage it are really wonderful folks – they surprised us by picking up the bill for our lunch at a nearby Chinese buffet when we happened to run into them. How nice is that? We’ve never had an RV park manager buy us lunch before!

Tonight Don made up for my less-than-wonderful birthday dinner at the Belmont CafĂ© in Belmont, MS while we were waiting for service in Red Bay. He told me to choose a restaurant and make it a nice one. I consulted and found Bella Fresca in Shreveport. Dinner was lovely – I had blackened sea scallops and he had veal – and the service was great. They even had linen tablecloths and napkins!

Sorry no pictures for this blog. We’ll drive to Livingston, TX tomorrow and spend a few days with friends Carol & Dennis Hill (although he’s currently in Indiana getting their MH fixed) and meet the new owners of the RV Driving School.


  1. You have remained remarkably positive and upbeat during all these repairs. I'm impressed. You obviously enjoy life and won't let circumstances get you down. It is good to read your blog.

  2. Hi, We are delighted to hear you are on the move again...but Livingston, Boo hoo. I could have left your bowl if I knew you were coming to Livingston! You will have to catch up with us at Q to get it, smile!
    Wave at our house as you drive by!
    Travel safely...and hope to see you soon! Hugs, L & C

  3. I am sure all those bouncy roads on your Alaskan Adventure probably shook things loose enough and now they are showing up. At least it did for us!!! So glad they reduced the fee ~ good thing you noticed that!
    Have fun & Travel safe

  4. Yikes! I'd have come loose myself if I got a $400 bill for a loose plug. Glad Don was able to get it reduced. Just think, that more than likely paid for your nice dinner!

  5. Moving again, but slowly. That's better than not moving at all. See you in a few weeks!


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